Monday 2 November 2009

Ive been sooo poorly

Been missing this week due to being ill. Doc thinks I began with swine flu but then got a throat infection - It was so swollen I couldn't breathe properly at night so hardly slept for 4 nights until it calmed down. I feel like Im rattling from all the pills I have to take and am still with no energy and really washed out. My mouth is getting really sore so now Im wondering If I have oral thrush to add to the list of ailments so another doctors visit tomorrow me thinks.

Anyway here are a series of cards i have made for a colleague at work who gives her nieces money for Christmas. The brief was a money wallet with the child name on so they all have a pocket inside the card!

Papers by sandylion and image from Pink gem stamps coloured with promarkrs.

super cute images - the other stamps Ive used are by kelly paccini. This is my favourite from the set below

This ones a high hopes one!

Hope she likes them xx Janet


  1. Love the money wallets Janet xx Sorry to hear you are ill, sounds as if it's been really bad!! lets hope you are over the worse and on the mend xxx Love Chanelle xx

  2. So sorry to hear you've been so poorly Janet hope you'll soon br over it. Love the wallets I'm sure they will be lloved by the recipients.
    Hugs, Pat xx

  3. Beautiful is wot they are, I think you have made a wonderful job of them. You have my sympathy for being so poorly, it takes some shaking Bee

  4. Sorry to hear you have been ill, hope you are feeling better soon. Love the money wallets. Lynne x


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and look at my bits and pieces. If you leave a comment I can pop over to yours and have a peep at your work too.