I love the picture on the award - so summery and yummy :0)
So what to do?
I have to share 7 things about myself so here goes
1) I love my house - those visiting and coming to do classes can vouch for it still needing lots of work - but I love living here - even if I won the lottery this is where I would stay :0)
(I would just buy my sons homes of their own LOL)
2) I don't have a favourite colour - Im fickle and flit about in the colour stakes but it does make life interesting!
3) I began crafting in the run up to my sons 18th birthday 6 years ago - scrapbooking was my thing now its anything!
4) I have Dyan Reavely to thank for encouraging me and supporting me to become confident to set up a craft group - She has always been my inspiration and I have never met a tutor quite like her - talented, witty, full of fun, nutty as fruit cake and ever so gorgeous!
5) this may be a cheat as I think some of you know this already LOl but I love Christmas! Actually its the preparation for Christmas I love - I am quite fed up with it by the 25th December however on the 26th the planning can begin again - Mad, weird but I love it!
6) I am a mad atc collector - I have files and files of them - I do have one special file for my favourites though - one day I may share that :0)
7) I love organising - I am the behind the scenes kind of girl and have organised big conferences, training events, Workshop events and retreats etc - but on the day I am happy being the tea girl. Thats what I am good at and there is no point trying to be something I am not - somebody has to organise and I don't mind being it but on the day let someone else shine :0) Maybe I just don't like being centre of attention!
now I have to pass this on to 8 folks but how to choose between my fab fav blogs?
So if you fancy sharing and passing on please accept this award and follow its rules. do leave me a comment if you do so I can visit and nosey about your 7 facts about yourself :0)
Happy 4th July x