Tuesday 27 April 2010

Tuesday Taggers - memories

Now the lovely Michelle chose this weeks theme which was such a laugh. A couple of weeks ago we had gone to a friends for an overnight stay and I began to nag her about choosing her theme knowing it was coming soon. Ive done it she said - just cant remember what it is this went on for the whole trip she had no idea! When we got back and saw what she had chosen we were in hysterics - a memory like a sieve, a heart made of gold and talent immeasurable that's our Michelle xx
So what did memories mean to me? The picture above is me and my bro - I'm the one picking up shells. So it brought to mind this fabulous stamp.

As soon as I saw this stamp I had to have it although this is my first successful project with it. Image stamped in momento then coloured with promarkers and brushed corduroy edging. Papers are from the V&A papermania range, Martha Stewart doily edge punch, ribbon and button from stash.
Now my Fabulous team mates have done us proud yet again - I must insist you hop on over to look here
Whats more we are sponsored again by the fabulous Craft Barn with a brilliant £15 prize for the randomly chosen lucky winner. Go on share a memory with us :0)
Happy Tuesday x


  1. Love this Janet! Perfect tag for the challenge.
    Sue xx

  2. Such a gorgeous image and I love the colour combo. Fantastic!

  3. I love where your inspiration came from(photo) and such a cracking card I really like it

    Love Dawn xx

  4. Loving the card and the photo - I can understand why you really wanted the stamp when you saw it it's beautiful!

  5. Your card is gorgeous and the photo is so lovely! That stamp is so similar too - I can see why you had to have it!

  6. fabulous card, great inspiration photo.

    thank you for visitng my blog this week

  7. The stamp captures the image of you exploring in wonder perfectly. Beautifully coloured a wonderful card.


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and look at my bits and pieces. If you leave a comment I can pop over to yours and have a peep at your work too.