Tuesday 22 June 2010

Tuesday Taggers - all about shoes!

I've cheated here! I was looking for some welly cards I know I have somewhere for this challenge but could not find them so I have settled for a page from an art journal. Adirondack paint dabbers, magazine image and doodling with gel pens. Im afraid I have never been a heels girl even in my slimmer days I didn't like wearing them so thats what I have journalled about too - that and my dislike of clothes shopping! Now craft shopping is another story...........
So check out my other DT pals over on Tuesday Taggers me thinks there are some heels lovers amongst them! Thanks for choosing the theme Sally :0)


  1. Oh , how can you not like heels! Ok I cannot wear them myself, but do like to coooo over them and wish!
    Love this though, so funky and so girly, thinks me will have to play this one out!

  2. Love it Janet! Sadly my "heel" days are over too.:(
    Sue xx

  3. Love this piece Janet its just so on theme and witty! xx Zoe

  4. Love your page, Janet! I used to wear heels all the time (especially when I had a boyfriend who was 1'4" taller than me!) Give me flatties any time these days!

  5. I love this fab page Janet it's so cool! Listen to me sounding like my Granddaughter now. I love heels but afraid I couldn't manage them these days, just have to look at them longingly!

  6. Great Page Janet. Annette x

  7. Its a great page, like many others high heels are not for me these days.

  8. I love heels but I hate how they make your feet tired so it's comfort all the way for me these days. I'm not a shoes, clothes or handbags girl either, definitely craft and plants for me!!
    Your journal page is great, it's a brilliant theme. You've given me an idea for a scrapbook LO here!!! Mmmmm that's my crafting sorted tonight.
    Hugs Lisax

  9. Janet this is gorgeous, I wish I were half as creative as you. xx

  10. Great journal page Janet, just right for TT
    x Michelle


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